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Different Kinds of Lock Picking Guns & How Lock Picking Guns Work

2023-01-31 08:52

A manual lock gun is a tool that can force open a mechanical cartridge lock (a common cylinder lock) without the use of a key. A needle is inserted into the lock, and when the trigger is pulled repeatedly, the gun fires the lever at all the lock pins simultaneously, temporarily releasing the cylinder and enabling it to turn using the tension wrench. The lock gun is an alternative to traditional lock pickers, which require other techniques such as raking to release the latch.
An electric lock pick gun is a tool that can also be used to force open a cartridge lock without the use of a key. A needle is inserted into the lock and when the trigger is pulled, the gun fires the lever at all the locks at once, unlike a manual lock pick gun, you just hold down the trigger and it will keep shooting until you release the trigger.
The working principle of the lock gun
Lock Pick Guns work according to the principle of inertia or, for example, Newton's cradle. When you pull the trigger, the steel rod of the lock gun strikes the dowel at the same time. Hitting each dowel so quickly, it will separate the dowel, allowing you to grab the dowel above it use a tension wrench to cut the wire of the lock and open it.
Depending on the type of latch inside the lock, you may need to strike the latch multiple times to get all the pins above the shear line and open the lock. But the principal is still on the job.
Locksmiths have basically two ways to open a standard lock. One way to do this is to use a pick (a thin piece of metal with the ends bent upward, similar to a dentist's pick) to push up the pins in the lock until the bottom pins are all aligned above the shear line and the top pins are aligned above the shear line while the tool (e.g. a screwdriver) spins in the lock. Another method is to "rake" the lock by inserting a wider pry piece all the way into the lock and pulling it out quickly to spring the pin, then turning the screwdriver. Although this method is less precise and the remaining needles may need to be picked up separately, this is how an electric pickup gun works.
When the metal pieces of the electric pick vibrate, they push up the dowel in the lock, and when you turn the gun, you get some dowel in the shear line. While sometimes an electric pick can open a locked door in seconds, other times it simply won't get the job done. While the concept behind picking a lock is relatively simple, picking a lock is a very specialized skill that takes a lot of practice to master. In addition to being familiar enough with the different types of locks so that he can imagine what's going on inside, the locksmith also needs to have a very developed sense of touch to feel the movement of the pins and springs and know exactly how much pressure is needed. Apply, and hear a faint clicking sound when the pin is above the shear line.