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How to Get a Broken Key Out of a Lock

2022-10-25 08:42

How to Get a Broken Key Out of a Lock

How do you get a broken key out of a door without tools? How do you get a key out of a lock without breaking it? How do you get a broken key out of a lock with a glue stick? This qustions are people encounter the situation that the key broken in a lock. So, what should we do when this happens?
1. Broken Key Extractor
The first and best method to remove a broken key from a lock is to use a professional tool called a key extractor. There are many different types of key extractors, but each is typically used the same way. They dig something sharp into the broken piece of the key and give you the leverage to pull it out.
2. Try Needle Nose Pliers to Remove the Key
If some cases the key may not be pushed all the way into the lock and there may be just enough of it sticking out that you can grab it with a pair of needle nose pliers. Tweezers can also work and maybe even better since they are very thin. Just try whichever you have on hand. Be careful not to push the key in further. You will either have enough key sticking out to grab the broken edge or you won’t, but either way, you will know quickly which is the case.
3. Tweezers
When a key breaks off in the lock, most people go right for the tweezers. Your main concerns should be the thickness of your tweezers and how far the broken key is in the lock. Most tweezers are inappropriately sized for this task and will just end up pushing the key farther into the keyway. Make sure that your tweezers can open wide enough to fit around the key, but not so thick that they cannot fit along the sides of the key.
Due to the warding on most keyways, your average tweezers are not going to fit. Getting a broken key out of a lock with tweezers will work best if there is a bit of the key protruding from the keyhole. When the key is too far back, the chances of you pushing it deeper increase exponentially. We all love the game “Operation”, but sometimes life is more than just a game. Only attempt this method if you are extremely confident in your ability, and your tweezers.
If the key comes partially out, just grip the end with needle-nose pliers and finish removing the key the rest of the way. Or you can choose to buy cheap Broken Key Extractor Set at lockpickmall to prepare emergency need!