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How to Lock Door from outside without key

2022-08-02 09:05

Is there a way to lock a door from the outside? How do you lock your door if you don't have a key? How do you lock a door with a key from the outside? Just keep reading and you can find answer!
1. Use A Wedge For Door Locking
A wedge, also known as a doorstop, is one of the most popular tools you can use to lock different kinds of doors simply and powerfully. Thus, it definitely has to be included on this list.
There are 2 options for when you wish to use a wedge for bedroom door locking:
Get a ready-to-use door stopper that comes in a wedge shape. This item is available at a cheap price in almost all home improvement shops.
Or make a DIY door wedge from the leftover cardboard at home.
It is really simple to make a door wedge in a minute: determine the wedge shape and fold your piece of cardboard into that. Whenever you want to close the bedroom door or even an exterior one, slide this door stopper underneath.
On the other hand, a thick sock is a good alternative if the wedge is unavailable. In most cases, this sock will block your door from opening but double-check to ensure the door is completely closed.
Back of a Chair
Sturdy chairs can be a good choice to keep a door closed because they can be angled to fit the top of the chair under the door handle while the feet are firmly planted against the ground. This creates pressure between the door and the floor along the back and legs of the chair, preventing the door from opening. The back of the chair also can block lever-style door handles from opening downwards. If the handle also can be turned upwards to open the door, then this method isn’t as useful. In this case, it may be a good idea to use a belt or rope to tie the lever handle to the chair, preventing it from opening downwards or upwards.
Picking The Lock
Lock picking mimics how the ordinary key works. As such, you need to be familiar with the different parts of your lock and how these parts work in sync to open the door. Generally, this technique can work on any lock.
To start, grab your Allen wrench and insert its shorter end into the lower part of the keyhole. Then, slightly turn the wrench in the direction the key is supposed to turn. You will need to apply a little bit of pressure to the wrench to do this.
Holding the wrench in position, insert an unbent paperclip or bobby pin into the keyhole to pick the lock. Gently lift the paperclip or bobby pin back, then upward. If the door doesn’t open, move the clip or pin in a circular motion, as you slightly increase the pressure exerted on the Allen wrench.
Repeat this motion, exerting more pressure each time until the lock shifts. Now maintain the current pressure as you continue moving the paperclip or bobby pin in a circular motion until your door unlocks.
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