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How to Make Lock Picks Out of Common Household Items

2023-08-22 08:40

Lock picking is a skill that has intrigued people for centuries, often associated with locksmiths and detectives. While it's important to note that lock picking should only be practiced ethically and legally, understanding the principles behind it can help you improve your home security. In this article, we'll explore how you can create makeshift lock picks from common household items for educational purposes, shedding light on the mechanics of locks and their vulnerabilities.

Materials Needed
Before delving into the process of crafting lock picks, gather the following materials from around your home:
Hairpins or Bobby Pins
Small, thin screwdriver
Nail file or emery board
Wire cutters (optional)
Pliers (optional)
Creating Lock Picks
Hairpin Tension Wrench:
Begin by creating a tension wrench, which is used to apply slight rotational force to the lock cylinder. Straighten out a hairpin or bobby pin, leaving a small loop at one end. This loop will serve as the handle. Bend the hairpin at a 90-degree angle, about 1/4 inch from the loop, to create a L-shaped tool. The straight end will be inserted into the lock.
Lock Pick:
For the lock pick itself, you can use a paperclip or straight section of a hairpin. With pliers or wire cutters, bend the paperclip or hairpin into a shape resembling a letter "L." The longer leg will be inserted into the lock, while the shorter leg will serve as the handle.
Tensioning Technique:
Insert the tension wrench into the bottom of the keyhole and apply gentle pressure in the direction you would turn a key. This mimics the action of a key turning the lock. Maintain steady tension while inserting the lock pick into the top of the keyhole. Gently lift the pins or tumblers until you feel them set. Remember, this process requires finesse and patience.
Nail File or Screwdriver:
A nail file or a thin screwdriver can be used to manipulate pins and tumblers within the lock. Insert the tool into the keyhole and gently apply pressure to each pin, feeling for any movement or slight give. This method requires careful attention and practice.
Safety and Legal Considerations
While lock picking can be a fascinating skill to learn, it's crucial to remember that using these techniques without proper authorization or for illegal purposes is against the law. Always practice lock picking on locks you own or have permission to work on. Ethical considerations should guide your use of this knowledge, focusing on enhancing your understanding of security systems rather than compromising them. Lock pick sets are necessities for locksmiths. Whether you are a professional or just starting out, you must have high quality lock pick sets to get the job done right. Shop one of the largest selections of lock pick sets in the world at Lockpickmall. Whether you are a lock picking enthusiast, locksmith or law enforcement professional, you'll love our extensive collection of lock pick sets.