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How to Open a Car Locked with the Key Fob Inside: Tips and Guide

2023-04-25 08:36

If you are an auto driver, there's a chance that you may encounter the frustrating situation of locking your key fob inside your car. While most cars with keyless entry fobs have safety features to prevent this from happening, there are instances when these precautions may not work, leaving you without access to your vehicle.
Thankfully, there are techniques and tools you can use to gain access to your car, even if your key fob isn't working. One method is to use a long, thin tool to grab the key and pull it closer to the closest door. You can use a wire coat hanger or a similar long, shapeable material to catch the key and drag it towards you. If you can't slip the tool through a gap, you can widen the gap using a wedge, such as a doorstop.
However, it's important to be careful when reaching around in your car and avoid scratching the interior or wedging open doors for extended periods. Additionally, this method may not work if your car key fob is broken or if you have overridden the proximity unlock feature.
Another option is lock manipulation, which involves moving the lock switches and buttons inside the car to gain access. This method requires a wedge and a long-reach tool. The wedge is inserted between the door and frame to create a gap large enough to slide the long-reach tool through, which can then be used to push, pull, or actuate the interior lock button.
It's important to note that lock manipulation will only work if the proximity unlocking feature is not triggered, and it will not work if the car has deadlocked. Deadlock is a security protocol that keeps interior locks and all electronics dormant until the proper key is turned in the door lock cylinder.
If you're interested in purchasing a car lockout kit, there are various auto tools available at, which can help you solve your car door lock problems. These tools are affordable and easy to use, but it's important to select the appropriate tool for your specific needs and abilities.
In summary, while locking your key fob inside your car can be frustrating, there are solutions available to help you gain access to your vehicle. By using a long, thin tool to reel in the key or by manipulating the lock switches and buttons, you can unlock your car without causing damage or scratching the interior. And with the help of a Lock Picks for Cars from, you can solve your car door lock problems with ease and affordability.