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How to open a door lock with wire

2022-04-19 08:51

How to open a door lock with wire

The principle of unlocking the lock is to use a hard steel wire to make a seven-word shape hook around the lock bands pick open the internal lock tongue lock can be opened without damage.
1. Bend a large paper clip to look like a lock pick.
2. Twist another large paper clip straight to make it a wrench.
3. Insert the torque wrench into the bottom of the lock hole to apply rotating pressure on one side.
4. Continuing pressure on the torque wrench, insert the paper clip into the keyhole and begin to locate the position.
5. Keep the wrench under pressure and try to locate the bolt with a picklock pin.
6. An internal person starts to test the plug and then holds it down.
Use a wrench and apply more pressure so that after a few more tries, the lock will open.
Single hook lock is also part of wire lock, wire or single hook lock is only suitable for the type of lock in the 70s and 80s or car locks. Nowadays, with the enhancement of self-protection consciousness and anti-theft consciousness of people. The development and maturity of anti-theft lock manufacturing technology. The locks are constantly updated. Wire or single hook locks have limitations. At present, super CLASS B lock or C blade lock is difficult to open with a single hook or homemade wire. Technical lock is harder to open. It's harder.
If the key is left in the room, or the key does not open the door, it is best to find a regular lock picking company for help. After all, the lock company is professional, looked at what kind of lock, every day in the repetition of this kind of work, what can be encountered. Find a professional lock opening master fast lock will not cause harm to the lock. There are many ways to open the lock, according to the customer's situation after the master to the scene, but also to see what anti-theft lock. With the simplest method, the fastest speed for customers to solve the problem of unlocking. Yes, the expert can use toothpicks and barbed wire to open locks, but special locks are not everything.
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